Merry Christmas!!
Everything is going well in our neck of the woods. We are getting ready for Christmas vacation and doing other Christmas - type things. Brit and I made our first gingerbread house. It was so much fun. I don't get to spend as much time with her because she goes to South Alabama in Mobile and we live in Georgia. We really had a great time deciding how to decorate it, but it took some negotiating to keep Britney from EATING it. Here's a few pictures of the finished product:

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season. We've been married 358 days and are happily headed toward our first anniversary. We are planning on spending it in Biloxi (not gambling, but taking advantage of the great dinners and spa services). I have never been and I cant wait to get there and enjoy a short honeymoon with my husband. Because we can't seem to be around people without someone asking....No, we aren't planning on having any kids for 2 more years. So, unless God has something planned that we don't, just letting everyone know that there's no little Morgans on the way any time soon.
Have a great time with family and we wish you nothing but blessings in the New Year!
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