I just found some pictures that Chris and I took when we went to New York the last time before my parents moved. I remembered taking them when I saw them, but I forgot that they were in my mom's camera. I am the worst about keeping pictures on my camera and not developing them. I just take them and forget. Maybe I will get better at it. I just signed up this week to take an online photography class. It's not really one that you pay for yet. It's really just for a couple weeks. You eventually upload a photo and the teacher will give you feedback about what he thinks and ways to improve. Since I got my camera for my birthday, I have been a picture taking maniac. It's kinda becoming an addiction. I just treasure the pictures that my family has of me so much and I don't want to forget things. So, to my whole family, Stephen and Allison, Ryan and Emily, Brian and Kelly, and everyone else in the frame space of those I care about - I apologize ahead of time. I am going to have my camera and you will have your picture taken, so dress up. Just know that, while annoying at times, you will grow to cherish the memories that I am capturing for you. And, if you draw my name for Christmas and you need an idea...camera SD memory cards are a fabulous gift idea :)
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