Happy Birthday to me!! Friday was my birthday and we spent it driving. We actually celebrated it on Thursday. Chris picked me up from class and took me to lunch. Then we were to see Indiana Jones. I got to open my first present there. I got some workout clothes and a watch - which I needed terribly. Then we went out to eat with some of my friends... Emily, Nicole, and Todd. It was awesome! Here's a picture of my cake that I took with my AWESOME new camera that I also got from my hunny:

Anyway, as I said before, we left this weekend and went to Winter Park, Florida for Adam Shaw and Jackie Erd's wedding. It was very beautiful! Her bridesmaids wore long yellow dresses with navy blue sashes. All the groomsmen wore their dress blues (the Army formal uniform). I had a great time getting to know the guys Chris has been getting to know in ROTC the past two years.
Here is another picture I took of them right after the ceremony:

On Sunday, we went to SeaWorld! It was Chris's first time to go so that made it even more exciting for us. The traffic was terrible (considering it was Memorial Day weekend), but we survived a 20 mile trip that took 2 hours. I think that we stood in lines most of the day, but when we finally got to see the shows it was for sure worth it. We started with the Shamu show and then we went to the sea lion show. We went around to the different exhibits like Wild Arctic and Penguin Encounter and Shark Encounter. Our lunch was VERY expensive. I have a new found respect for all the parents that were there. I was realizing that our lunch for just 2 people was $30 so that means that the people beside us with 4 kids probably spent $100 on just their lunch! I am NOT ready for that!! We ended our day with the dolphin show. It was very good and I was very jealous of the trainers. Maybe I should go back to school and be a vet......ok, not really. Here are some more pictures:

Well, that's about it for us. Chris is going to be packing this week. His company is paying for him to stay in an apartment for 30 days starting next Thursday. So we have a little more time to look for somewhere to live. We are looking at apartments but for what we are going to pay in rent, we could get a house if we could save to make the down payment.
Have a good week everyone!! God Bless!
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