Hooray! The day is finally here. Chris has finished all his finals and he is going to graduate on Saturday. On top of that, he is commissioning as a 2LT in the Army on Friday. So, those are two very great accomplishments. I will try to get some pictures up asap after the ceremonies this weekend. I have all my classes added and I am ready for them to start on May 22 so August 7 can get here and I can be an alum too.
Still no job offers yet. We are waiting patiently for someone to call. We were really getting down and feeling sorry for ourselves and I got some perspective from my teacher I am interning with right now. She listens to sermons with her husband and he was telling me that she was learning about what it means to glorify God. She said that her assumption (and mine) was that you glorify God when you do things like sing in church and pray. Instead, the pastor said that when you glorify something, you place it above everything else. I had heard this before but I was thinking of it as placing God before the things I enjoy - like my husband or my family or my job. Instead, she changed my thinking and said that I should even put God before the things I am struggling with. For example, if I was sick and devoted all my time on how bad I felt and how awful the sickness was so much that it was all I thought about, I am not glorifying God. I would be glorifying my situation above my Savior. So, that got me thinking -- Chris and I have been dwelling so much on the fact that we don't have jobs lined up and we have had a terrible year or so that we could not be thankful for what we do have. We've changed our perspective. We are no longer dwelling on our joblessness - but instead thanking God for providing and meeting our needs. He takes care of us even when we are ungrateful. Amazing!
Keep praying that we will have open hearts to hear where God is leading us. God is preparing someone to hire Chris, we just have to wait on His timing. :)