Sunday, April 13, 2008

What's happening this week?

Picture credits to Cari Raymond
I am excited to see everything blooming around Auburn. It was such a dreary winter. When I go to school each morning, I like to look around and see what new thing has bloomed. I think that my favorite thing right now that is blooming is that wysteria. I know that it is a parasite and it is killing everything it is growing on, but I love to look at it. Mostly I love the smells. My parents came for lunch today and afterwards we went to the farmer's market. They had all these different flower bushes that were for sale. One group of plants were gardenia bushes and they smelled so wonderful. As silly as it sounds, it was really refreshing to stop and take time to smell the flowers. When I was listening to the radio this week, there was a song and one of the lines was "You make everything glorious and I am Yours." When I make time to stop and see how glorious things around me are, it makes the hard times seem a little less overwhelming. In my opinion, flowers are glorious and when I think about how even more carefully and wonderfully made I am over the flowers, I am encouraged.

This week we have a BUSY week. We are going to be all over the place and doing a whole lot of things. My last observation is this week! Whoo hoo!! I am trying something that could either go really well or go really bad, so please pray that my class is attentive and listens and follow directions. Chris has another interview this week on Thursday. We are going down to Pascagoula for this one. While he interviews, I am going to be going to the schools and putting in my resumes with the principals and figuring out what I have to do to get my certification to cross over to Mississippi IF he gets the job. This weekend is army stuff for Chris and beach time for me. My family will be there for their spring break, so I am going to take advantage of their condo. Keep praying for us! We appreciate it so much.

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