Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!

Everything is going well in our neck of the woods. We are getting ready for Christmas vacation and doing other Christmas - type things. Brit and I made our first gingerbread house. It was so much fun. I don't get to spend as much time with her because she goes to South Alabama in Mobile and we live in Georgia. We really had a great time deciding how to decorate it, but it took some negotiating to keep Britney from EATING it. Here's a few pictures of the finished product:

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season. We've been married 358 days and are happily headed toward our first anniversary. We are planning on spending it in Biloxi (not gambling, but taking advantage of the great dinners and spa services). I have never been and I cant wait to get there and enjoy a short honeymoon with my husband. Because we can't seem to be around people without someone asking....No, we aren't planning on having any kids for 2 more years. So, unless God has something planned that we don't, just letting everyone know that there's no little Morgans on the way any time soon.

Have a great time with family and we wish you nothing but blessings in the New Year!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Long Lost Pictures

I just found some pictures that Chris and I took when we went to New York the last time before my parents moved. I remembered taking them when I saw them, but I forgot that they were in my mom's camera. I am the worst about keeping pictures on my camera and not developing them. I just take them and forget. Maybe I will get better at it. I just signed up this week to take an online photography class. It's not really one that you pay for yet. It's really just for a couple weeks. You eventually upload a photo and the teacher will give you feedback about what he thinks and ways to improve. Since I got my camera for my birthday, I have been a picture taking maniac. It's kinda becoming an addiction. I just treasure the pictures that my family has of me so much and I don't want to forget things. So, to my whole family, Stephen and Allison, Ryan and Emily, Brian and Kelly, and everyone else in the frame space of those I care about - I apologize ahead of time. I am going to have my camera and you will have your picture taken, so dress up. Just know that, while annoying at times, you will grow to cherish the memories that I am capturing for you. And, if you draw my name for Christmas and you need an SD memory cards are a fabulous gift idea :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It is finished!! Finally!!

We got a new entertainment center for our graduation gift. So we got it like 3 weeks ago (from my favorite store, IKEA) and began putting it together. With the floors of our apartment being so old because it's an old factory, they are not level. We were NOT going to place our tv on the entertainment center to have it fall over from being top heavy. So, we got one that has to be screwed into the wall - but we didnt have the right screws. This week, we got the screws and FINALLY had time and energy to get it all put together, attached to the wall, and decorated. Here's the final product:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Wicked Night

This past weekend, we (Chris, Cari, and I) went to see Wicked at the Fox Theater in Atlanta. It was quite possibly the best show that I have ever seen - even though we were in the VERY last row in the balcony. Even Chris said that it was his favorite one that he has seen. Early Saturday, Chris and I went to get Cari from Mom and Dad's house and we took her to our house to get ready. We rushed around like chickens with our heads cut off to make sure that we left on time. Then we went to a Japanese grill place called Nagoya. It's the first time that I've ever been to a place like it (Mikata and Japanese Imperial Steakhouse are similar). It was a little weird sitting with people that we didnt know - especially ones that were kinda rude and didn't speak. Sadly enough, there was one woman who came alone and ate all by herself and didn't speak to anyone at our table. Then at the end of the meal, the waitresses came out and sang her Happy Birthday. What a sad birthday dinner!!

Anyway, then we left for the theater. Cari was very beautiful! You cant really tell it in the pictures, but she wore a maroon velvet dress with rhinestone buttons on it and she had a perfect hair day - really, perfect! I am really glad that she got to come and spend some time with us. She's been having a really hard time at school and it was a real blessing to get to take her some where that she wasn't going to have to worry about getting made fun of or laughed at for being who she is. She's like no one that I know and I love her more and more for it each day. I really admire her honesty and the example that she chooses to set by how she lives her life. It's inspiring to me. She even talked to the person sitting beside us at the theater. I don't know anyone else who can makes friends with ANYONE she meets. :)

Here's some pictures:

The only other new thing that happened this week is that Chris and I started taking Kempo (Karate) and Modern Arnis (Stick Fighting). When we were going through our pre-marital counseling, our pastor said that we should find a hobby to do together. Our hot weather hobby has been kayaking, but since its getting cold, that wouldnt work anymore. So, this is what we decided to do. Maybe.....MAYBE......I will put up some pictures of it........or at least of HIM doing it. LOL!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

An Ode to Moms...well, kind of

This is not actually an ode (since i am in english teacher, i can't give people wrong information). However, i came across it and it made me think of my friends that have been blessed with the ability to be stay at home moms. I made sure to use the word "blessed" because staying at home for me has been miserable! I know that sometimes all the work they do can be taken for granted - especially when you clean all day long and at the end of the day its barely a dent in the things that needed to be accomplished. The thing I hate the most is that i can do ALL the dishes in the sink and by the time i get dinner ready, the sink is full again. The laundry is overflowing and I don't even have kids yet. Poor poor Chris! :)

So, girls, this story is for you. I admire all your hard work and if no one ever says thank you, today I say THANK YOU for your sacrifice, patience, and hard work. Here's what would happen without it. Enjoy!

In honor of the MOMS:
A man came home from work and found his three children outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn all around the front yard. The door of his wife's car was open, as was the front door to the house and there was no sign of the dog. Proceeding into the entry, he found an even bigger mess. A lamp had been knocked over, and the throw rug was wadded against one wall. In the front room the TV was loudly blaring a Cartoon channel, and the family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing. In the kitchen, dishes filled the sink, breakfast food was spilled on the counter, the fridge door was open wide, dog food was spilled on the floor, a broken glass lay under the table, and a small pile of sand was spread by the back door. He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over toys and more piles of clothes, looking for his wife. He was worried she might be ill, or that something serious had happened. He was met with a small trickle of water as it made its way out the bathroom door. As he peered inside he found wet towels, scummy soap and more toys strewn over the floor. Miles of toilet paper lay in a heap and toothpaste had been smeared over the mirror and walls. As he rushed to the bedroom, he found his wife still curled up in the bed in her pajamas, reading a novel. She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went. He looked at her bewildered and asked, "What happened here today?" She again smiled and answered, "You know every day when you come home from work and you ask me what in the world I do all day?" "Yes," was his incredulous reply. She answered, "Well, today I didn't do it."

Sunday, October 12, 2008

This one is for Emily! :)

Let's see...what's been going on in the world of the Morgans?? Biggest news of all is that I finally quit my job at the preschool. While it was rewarding emotionally, it was not paying the bills and my principal was a true Cruella Deville! I told her 2 weeks before my last day (which was last Friday) that I was going to be leaving. She said ok and wished me well and told my supervisor to tell me not to tell my students or their parents. I held out as long as possible and made it to Wednesday before my last day and I had to tell them. I'm sorry, but that was as close to asking me to lie to them as you can get. Last time I checked, not telling the truth on purpose is pretty similar to telling an outright lie. So, I told the parents that I am close with and she came in on my last day and chewed me out in front of the K4 class. (I haven't mentioned that I was not even with my class Tues-Fri because I was used as a substitute instead). She kept saying over and over again that "THERE WAS A WAY WE DO THINGS HERE." In the end, I am glad that I chose to tell them on my own because there was no telling what she would have told them about me. She made my job so frustrating because she would stand up at meetings and lead devotionals that would make you believe she was an awesome Christian example but when you saw her life and the actions she did in the name of the school, it was pretty hypocritical. It's really been an eye opening experience into why people can be so put off to Christianity. When the principal of a CHRISTIAN school has moral issues and she is supposed to set the tone for her staff, it's difficult for teachers to be salt and light. I am going to pray for her because she doesn't have a clue about what her staff struggles with or how to encourage people. Oh! I am waiting to hear back about a high school teaching position. It would be with a 9th grade class. I am really trying not to get my hopes up, but it is very hard. I am also going to keep looking for other jobs. So, keep me in your prayers. I really need the decision to be very obvious!

On a different note, I saw Nights in Rodanthe today and it was so great. Be warned - it's a tearjerker, but sometimes that is just what I need. The story actually made me appreciate Chris alot more. We have seemed to argue over everything we talk about lately. I don't know if it's because we've started getting used to each other and that just serves as an excuse to be rude to each other or if it's because we are just stressed out or what. I really have been trying to work on it. It always makes me so angry at myself when I take things out on him that have nothing to do with him. Like when I get mad at a situation at work and I bring it home and take it out on him. You would think that after doing it over and over that I would begin to realize what I am doing - but no! It's so frustrating. He has been under alot of stress from work this week because he gained alot more responsibility. One guy was moved to another plant until Christmas and the other one was fired, so essentially Chris gets all their projects. It's not an impossible situation, but it has definitly put on the pressure. I just keep reminding him that they would not give him the projects if they didnt think he could do the job. For only being there 4 months, I think he is doing a great job!

As far as tomorrow goes, I am ready to experience my first day of true unemployment. It will literally be the first day that I don't have class or work to return to. As soon as I graduated, I started my job the very next Monday so there was no break for me. It's going to be wonderful for a few days, but after that I am going to get stir crazy alone( - no baby for me to take care of like Em and Kelly-yet). So, plan for tomorrow is to go work out, do some laundry, eat lunch with mom, and look for a new job. After that -- nothing to do but nothing :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

"Beer is not candy and candy is not beer"

That brilliant line is from the logic of one of my 3-year-olds today. She was so funny. We were talking about the "treats" that they were going to get for being good today and she came out with this! I just have to laugh sometimes. Today, another one was trying to tell me that she wanted to color on the chalkboard but everytime she asked me she wanted to know if she could "write on the chopblock."

Teaching 19 three year olds has NOT been easy and there have been many times that I wanted to just walk away from it. (IT being the situation - not the kids) I love when they understand things and answer questions correctly. I love when they say funny things in their preschool talk - like mommies cooking "chocolate chip curkies" or "messing up chicken nuggets every time." It seems like when I am ready to walk out the door, my kids say something that keeps me there. There is one little girl that is younger than the rest and I am working really hard with her teaching her how to stay in her seat and do what the class is doing. Her mom emailed me last week when I was literally about to walk in my principal's office and quit and said that the girl came home and said "Mommy, Mrs. Morgan said its not playing time!" I just laughed so hard and then it hit me that I am the teacher that they come home and talk about. When mom and dad ask what they learned that day - they are going to be talking about something I taught them. So, although its a terrible situation with 19 of them, I can't imagine my classroom without each of them. They all bring something new and different. Their thing this week when they are sitting in car line is to tell me "I stay with you," or "You come home with me and watch scary moobies (movies)." Maybe it's just a lie I am telling myself to make me stay, but I think that if they want to stay with me or have me go with them, I'm doing my job right.

Keep me in your prayers - specifically that another k-3 teacher will be hired. I just feel like I am not able to give them the time they need to be successful in k-3. Sure, it would be easy to say that it's JUST k-3 and it doesn't matter, but it matters to me that I make a positive impact on them and that's got to be enough.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Last Final Exam

Tomorrow at 12 I am taking my last final exam, packing up the last of my belongings, and FINALLY moving to Covington to be with Chris. I really cannot believe that the day is finally here. I remember looking at my classes and figuring out that we werent going to graduate together after all and thinking that this summer was going to be so long. While some moments were long, I have to say that it went by fast. I don't know if it was because I was actually interested in my classes this semester or that it was summer or what. I just can't believe that it's almost over. For weeks I have been writing about how I want to be in my "real job," but the more I think about it, I am freaking out! Here I am - all grown up and about to join the work force with a degree from THE best university in America (ok, maybe I'm a little partial, but i believe in Auburn and love it!).

I took the job teaching preschool at Victory Christian School. I am totally scared out of my mind, but I know that God works out everthing for the good according to his perfect will. Don't you just wish you could get the panoramic view that God gets sometimes. I just want to fast forward a little to the last day of school and make sure that everyone knows what they were supposed to learn and i am still sane. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that at least i hope to be sane!!

Here are some pictures I took with my camera that Chris got me for my birthday. I love love love it. Thanks to all my "models" that sat for me this weekend. You guys were wonderful and I blame you for making me think i have even a tiny bit of artistic ability simply because you are all beautiful girls (and boy!). It was easy for me to capture a little bit of that for you! Here's some of my favorites:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

What's new with our crew?

Well, I am super excited to report that I have my first interview tomorrow! It's going to be at 2 eastern time. At first, I was worried about getting there on time because I have class in Auburn from 9:45-11:15. After talking to my prof, everything is going to work out fine (as long as there is not a traffic jam some where in between Auburn and Conyers). Anyway, the school is called Victory Christian School. I think they have a website if you want to Google it and check it out. It's pretty small, but I am really excited about it. There's only one thing that I was not expecting and that is that I am going to be in a 4th or 5th grade class. My degree is for 7-12 grade English only. So, if I get this job, it's going to be an adjustment, but I am ready for it. It's a grade that I had never thought about teaching before but I am up for the adventure! I will let you know how everything goes.

Also, I AM going to be participating in the graduation ceremony at Auburn. It's going to be August 9, 2008 at 2pm in the coliseum. But, if you can't make it, don't worry. We are going to be having lunch after church the next day in Mobile to celebrate. I thought that this would allow people who couldn't travel that far the opportunity to celebrate with us. As soon as I figure out exactly where and what time, I will post that too.

Chris is still doing great things at his new job. The biggest struggle we are having right now is being apart so much. I told him the other day that I don't even feel like we are married right now, just that we are having an affair or something. We just get to see each other on the weekends and even then our time is limited and rushed with everything we try to squeeze into 48 hours. We are trying to be supportive of each other and keep up with each others lives, but I just hate that he is missing the little things in my life and that I don't get to do the normal things for him that I am used to doing. I know I complained about having to cook dinner every night, but at least I get to cook for 2 when I am with him. This cooking for one thing is hard! Nothing comes in servings for one :) Anyway, enough being a cry baby. Next weekend Ryan and Emily are coming up and the next weekend I am moving EVERYTHING to Covington and living with my husband again. Then I have graduation the next weekend. So, with graduation being 3 weeks away - the only thing standing in my way is a 10 page paper, two 6 page papers, and 3 final exams! I guess I better get started on those papers!!

Love you!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Fourth of July

We had the best time in Gatlinburg! I think we both were in serious need of a vacation together...I just wish that all the other billion people that came to the mountains for the fourth would have stayed home. The traffic was awful, but we did spend alot of time at the cabin, hiding from it. We went to the Aquarium and rode the Sky Lift. The view was awesome - and I mean the God way. The awe that I felt when looking at those mountains made me realize that a God that could craft those mountains has NO problem taking care of me and my simple problems. I know that you grow and learn when you are in the valleys of life, but it's sure refreshing to stand on the mountain top and see the big picture.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We did it!! We're moved in!

Here is a video of move in day and packing up the Auburn apartment:

We moved into the new place six months to the day from the wedding. It is so exciting to be in our own place. We both are taking so much pride in it. I almost fell on the floor laughing when Chris suggested a chore list. It was too cute...the best part is that cleaning it isnt a chore for us. We are glad to do it because it's something we are having to work to keep.

Friday, June 27, 2008

I believe in a thing called Murphy's Law...actually, it's my life motto

So, today has been a little short of terrible. Round One: Chris was going to go after work today and sign our lease (you know, since we are moving in TOMORROW!). He get there at about 5:20 and the leasing office was closed. You see, I had talked to the woman that is the office manager on Wednesday and I explained to her that Chris would be there after he got off work at 5. She kindly smiled and told me ok and it sounded great. What she forgot to mention was that THEY CLOSE AT 5 ON FRIDAYS!!! If she would have even mentioned it, Chris could have gone during his lunch break, but no, that would have been to honest. So he is having to stay in Covington tonight when he could be starting the weekend off with me since we only get to see each other on weekends now. Oh, and did I even mention that SHE LIVES IN THE BUILDING AND ALL SHE WOULD HAVE HAD TO DO WAS COME DOWN THE STAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moving on...Round Two: I called the power company because I had gone online and requested them to turn our power on by Friday at the latest because we are going to be there this weekend. No one ever called me so I called them today to find out what the hold up was or if it had been turned on. Of course, it had not been! Not only that, we have to pay a $120 deposit and they aren't coming until Monday. Looks like it's going to be a HOT weekend for my family...sorry guys. NOT my fault. Round Three: Seeing that it was almost 5 and I still had not heard from the UHAUL company about getting the truck tomorrow (that's going to cost another $250), I called them to make sure we were not going to get a raw deal from them too. Not only do they NOT have anything ready for us, they also are "supposed to be having vehicles dropped off all night and they'll get back to me in the morning." Excuse me?!? IS that how it's supposed to work now. We pay them $250 and MAYBE something will come in that we can use. Ughh!! Now, tempers are mounting between Chris and the leasing office and me and Georgia Power and Uhaul and all we are doing is fuming over the phone. I'm sorry to vent, but i just can't take this anymore. What happened to common courtesy and human decency? Does that even exist? Examples of it are few and far between. Oh, and did I mention that I have a test at 9 in the morning? I guess I better get going so I can pack my house up so my parents and my in-laws don't see how much of a slob I am and get busy studying. Perhaps the rain will hold off tomorrow until we can get our alleged uhaul truck loaded and move into our potential apartment with no power. Night All! I promise to be better in the morning :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Best weekend ever!


AFTER THE AWFUL HAIRCUT - I am not naked :)

I had the most amazing weekend. It started out HORRIBLE because I went to get a haircut that should have been a trim and it ended with 4 inches cut off! I don't love it yet, but I am dealing with it and hoping it grows quickly. Chris and I actually got to see each other this weekend. I know that we did the long distance relationship thing for a long time, but I am NOT doing well apart from him. My apartment is creeky and I think that we outgrew it a long time ago. There is no room to walk because there is a desk in about 25 pieces all over the living room. So finding this new apartment is what's keeping me going the next few weeks. Chris talked to the realtors and we are going to be moving in July 1- 3 days before we are going to Gatlinburg, TN. We are trying to decide what furniture is staying with me and what furniture is going and more importantly HOW we are going to get it there. We'll figure it out some how! :)

I got to spend some time with my friends on Saturday. We got together for Nicole Cherry's lingerie shower. Every time I get together with them it makes me realize that I miss them. After graduation, it seems like I am having more and more of a problem getting together with my girlfriends. The worst part is that I had the illusion that it was going to be easier.

When I was at the shower, the girls asked me to give the bride-to-be some advice because I had been married the longest (kinda hard to believe). I thought about it and told them that the biggest thing we realize is how important communication is to your relationship. I think that it is safe to say that all of the fights we have had started because we had certain intentions that we never actually said to each other and the intention wasnt met. As a result, feelings are hurt. If we are honest with each other about what we want and expect, then things go much smoother. I also thought it was important to tell them that we make each other a priority and we try to do something romantic for each other every week - and I am not talking about the "perks" that come with marriage. I mean, romantic dinners at home and picnics and that kinda thing. You know, after the shower I was talking to Chris during one of the many car rides we have together and we were talking about what it is that keeps us together. I am by no means saying that we are perfect, but I do think that our marriage is solid and I am very thankful for that. I don't want to every forget to thank God for what he's created and continuously sculpting through us. Chris is an amazing husband and he continues to amaze me with how much he can love me. I thought that I loved him before we were married, but the truth is that the love we have for each other now is so much more. Going through our trials together as one makes problems seem a little bit smaller.

To all the cynics out there, don't worry, it'll happen for you too. Don't give up.

To my husband, thank you for being my best half. I love you and I miss you while you are gone. Thank you for doing what you have to do to take care of our family. I know it isnt easy for us to be apart and if you could be here you would, but its my joy in life to follow your lead. There's no one in the world that I respect more than you.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, June 16, 2008

What's New

Well, Mom and Dad moved into their new house this past week. They are now living in Newnan, GA instead of New York. Their house is amazing and I am so happy for them. Here are a couple pictures before the furniture came:

Chris and I are doing the long distance relationship thing again. He lives in Covington, GA and I live in Auburn. I am taking classes and will finish on July 29. Graduation is going to be August 9. I drive to Montgomery for classes Monday through Thursday and it is KILLING me - time and gas money, but July 29 is the light at the end of my tunnel. I just make it to Friday and then go see Chris. It's easier for me to go there because I am done at 11:30 on Fridays and he isnt done until 5. He really likes his job so far. He is getting to know people and figuring out his job. On a funny note - he has some women there that have been hitting on him. The stories he tells me are very funny about things they say and do. I am not worried though because they are way older than he is. When the found out how old he was, they said they were going to look but not touch. I guess I am ok with that. I know he's cute :)

On a different note, I think we found our new apartment. We are going to do the paperwork on it today. So, wish us luck!! Here are some pictures:

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to me!! Friday was my birthday and we spent it driving. We actually celebrated it on Thursday. Chris picked me up from class and took me to lunch. Then we were to see Indiana Jones. I got to open my first present there. I got some workout clothes and a watch - which I needed terribly. Then we went out to eat with some of my friends... Emily, Nicole, and Todd. It was awesome! Here's a picture of my cake that I took with my AWESOME new camera that I also got from my hunny:

Anyway, as I said before, we left this weekend and went to Winter Park, Florida for Adam Shaw and Jackie Erd's wedding. It was very beautiful! Her bridesmaids wore long yellow dresses with navy blue sashes. All the groomsmen wore their dress blues (the Army formal uniform). I had a great time getting to know the guys Chris has been getting to know in ROTC the past two years.
Here is another picture I took of them right after the ceremony:

On Sunday, we went to SeaWorld! It was Chris's first time to go so that made it even more exciting for us. The traffic was terrible (considering it was Memorial Day weekend), but we survived a 20 mile trip that took 2 hours. I think that we stood in lines most of the day, but when we finally got to see the shows it was for sure worth it. We started with the Shamu show and then we went to the sea lion show. We went around to the different exhibits like Wild Arctic and Penguin Encounter and Shark Encounter. Our lunch was VERY expensive. I have a new found respect for all the parents that were there. I was realizing that our lunch for just 2 people was $30 so that means that the people beside us with 4 kids probably spent $100 on just their lunch! I am NOT ready for that!! We ended our day with the dolphin show. It was very good and I was very jealous of the trainers. Maybe I should go back to school and be a vet......ok, not really. Here are some more pictures:

Well, that's about it for us. Chris is going to be packing this week. His company is paying for him to stay in an apartment for 30 days starting next Thursday. So we have a little more time to look for somewhere to live. We are looking at apartments but for what we are going to pay in rent, we could get a house if we could save to make the down payment.
Have a good week everyone!! God Bless!