Haha! I am SOO far behind on this blog. Forgive me family followers. :)
Let's see where to begin....hmm, Mollie just turned a year old! We had a wonderful weekend in Mobile and she had a great time at her party. She continues to amaze me with how much she is learning. Her vocabulary is expanding every day. Her newest words are p
uppy, circle, ball, and her name. But, she keeps slipping in some "B" sounds where they don't go. I think we're back tracking a little bit. She was saying "daddy" perfectly, but now it's turned into "baddy." She also has started saying "bora" instead of "Dora." So, I guess I need to work with her a little more on her "B" and "D" sounds, especially if I am going to have her saying "Hello Father" by the time Chris gets back from Afghanistan. That's the running joke we have about how big she is going to be by the time he gets back.

Chris is going to be deploying to Afghanistan in late March. So that seems to be the looming topic in the room. We are getting ready for a whirlwind March and then he'll be headed out. We have a trip to Gulf Shores coming up, a trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for Chris and I, and then the great migration to Atlanta from Tennessee. We'll be living for my parents for a year. So, if I don't post again until after March, you'll understand. Things will be a LITTLE crazy :)
Here's some recent pictures of Mollie Bug. She is getting so big! I just can't believe it. Enjoy. :)